55 frame - Exhibition system in modular matrix frames

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    Aluminium profil

Modular exhibition system with matrix frames

55 frame is our new modular exhibition system in matrix frames where you can build displays in different formats with the same frames.

This is a flexible system you can reuse in all your future instore, exhibitions and event solutions.

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55 frame med og uden banner


55 frame stofbanner

Modular and versatile solution without tools

The frames can easily be assembled and disassembled without use of tools. You simply connect them with joints through the holes on the frames. The continuous hole pattern on the outside and inside of the frames makes it possible for you to join the frames in many different ways.

You get a frame system which offers many set up options. You can build high or low displays as well as square or assymmetric ones.

The 55 frame system is a durable and economical solution offering a lot of freedom to carry out your creative display ideas for retail environments, showrooms, events and exhibitions. 

Fabric banners or panel mounted graphics

The 55 frame system can be used for single and double sided graphics. In front view the graphics fully covers the frame only leaving about 2 mm of egde visible. This creates an astounding effect making the visual message vibrant for the spectator.

It has never been easier to renew your graphic messages on your displays than now because the system is designed to take either fabric banner or graphic panels. Therefore you get a system with the possibility to change between the to graphic medias.

Easy to transport

The frames ar boltet together and can be disassembled on all four sides so they don't take up much space
when transported or storaged.

Modular and custom sizes available

The 55 frame system consists of leightweight and modular frames in aluminium. The standard module are made in 992 x 992mm satin anodised aluminium. 

Beside the standard size the frames can be manufactured after your custom sizes. Frames can be powder coated to the RAL range of colours.

Fabric banner with pvc

A PVC profile is sewn directly onto the fabric banner.

To mount the banner, simply press the profile into the track that run along the frame. Afterwards it will sit tight and fit in the frame.

Fabric banners are ideel for exhibitions and instore displays. The banners can be easily be replaced with use of tools.

55 frame plader web

Panels with velcro

Velcro strip is mounted to the inner groove of the frame and to the back of the panel.

The panel is fitted by pressing it against the velcro strips on the frame.

55 frame brochure ikon